Our expertise in packaging dog treats continues to grow. Dog treat bag examples found on our website include Jazzy’s Natural Delights, Nancy Anne’s Pampered Pets, and Harry Barker Dog Treats.
From specialty treats, to more affordable options, consumers splurge on their furry friends when budget allows, and entrepreneurs recognize the resulting profit opportunities. As a result, the number of treat options has grown tremendously. When identifying a qualified packaging design company for dog treat bags, consider the following tips:
This general rule for consumer packaged goods (CPGs) holds true with dog treats. As a result, our packaging portfolio contains examples of display windows that help showcase dog treat product appearance. Dog treats that meet mainstream America’s expectation of bone or cookie shapes tend to beckon through the packaging window cut-outs of dog treat bags.
Branded dog treat packaging colors vary from the natural appeal of earthy or traditional tones, to bright hues that suggest lively flavors. Meanwhile, the majority of dog treat brands now communicate greater nutritional information to increasingly health-consciousness dog lovers. All of the above suggests that the value of customization of flexible bag packaging will only grow for dog treats, as it provides a variety of color options and short turnaround time for mockups or comps.
Dog care requires significant cleaning and physical agility, so dog treat packaging should be easy to open and transport without a mess. One of the best solutions for dog treat brands is resealable flexible bag packaging. Here are just a few benefits of dog treat bags.
Contact us for more information on dog treat bags, and read more about flexible bag packaging here.